The power move to the world

Hahm Shout Doodle is now promoting the content of the Embassy of India in Seoul!

Amplifying the content of the Embassy of India in Seoul and the  Indian Cultural Centre in Korea. 

Hahm Shout Doodle is supporting the planning and promotion of the content of the Embassy of India in Seoul.

The Embassy of India in Seoul is a diplomatic organization that protects its citizens and conducts cultural exchange activities, information collection, and preparations for international conferences and negotiations.

Hahm Shout Doodle will strengthen and amplify the content of the Embassy of India in Seoul by utilizing various platforms, including Instagram and YouTube of the Indian Cultural Centre in Korea, the cultural part of the Embassy of India in Seoul.

Indian Cultural Centre in Korea Instagram

Indian Cultural Centre in Korea YouTube channel


tel. 02-6020-0500 | fax. 02-720-7079 |
4th Fl, Post Tower, Mapo-daero 89, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04156, Korea
Company Registration Number 106-86-49566

Previously Hahm Shout Doodle

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