The power move to the world

Promoting the real life entertainment channel ‘Discovery Channel Korea’!

Announcing the successful launch of ‘Discovery Channel Korea’ in Korea!

Hahm Shout Doodle is conducting media PR and digital PR for the real life entertainment channel ‘Discovery Channel Korea’.

Hahm Shout Doodle is carrying out various comprehensive PR activities ranging from the media to digital platforms to promote the contents of Discovery Channel Korea.

In the future, through various promotional activities, Hahm Shout Doodle will continue to raise ratings for the channel and establish it as a channel loved by many.

Discovery Channel Korea Instagram


tel. 02-6020-0500 | fax. 02-720-7079 |
4th Fl, Post Tower, Mapo-daero 89, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04156, Korea
Company Registration Number 106-86-49566

Previously Hahm Shout Doodle

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