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itFluencer launches ‘itShop’, an exclusive commerce service for influencers

The influencer exclusive commerce service of itFluencer, 'itShop

‘itShop’ is a closed commerce service that sells various products to influencers who are registered to the itFluencer platform. It sells competitively priced products compared to open commerce through an online shopping mall format. itShop products can also be purchased with reward points received by influencers through their activities.

itFluencer is also planning to establish an influencer open commerce. itShop, which was launched recently, is a test service that accumulates data needed to build open commerce. It is preparing to enter influencer platform-based commerce by utilizing influencer interests and sales product data using itShop in service development.

“The most important part of influencer commerce is to connect the most suitable influencers for brand product sales through analysis of influencer and follower tendencies,” itFluencer CEO Jay Lee stated, “Starting with the launch of 'itShop', we will introduce an advanced service that goes beyond connecting brands and influencers, connecting the sales of brand products and influencers.”

itFluencer is a big data-based influencer matching platform that was launched as an independent corporation from the Hahm Shout platform business unit. It is expanding its service value in various ways by acquiring technology patents and establishing strategic partnerships with MediaLink as a way to broker influencers with brands.


tel. 02-6020-0500 | fax. 02-720-7079 |
4th Fl, Post Tower, Mapo-daero 89, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04156, Korea
Company Registration Number 106-86-49566

Previously Hahm Shout Doodle

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