The power move to the world

Hahm Shout Doodle named PR partner for Philip Morris Korea!

Hahm Shout Doodle has been named as a PR partner for Philip Morris Korea.

The logo for Philip Morris International.

Philip Morris International (PMI) is a leading global tobacco company that is realizing a ‘Smoke Free Future’ and gradually advancing its portfolio to products outside of tobacco and nicotine.

Hahm Shout Doodle will promote Phillip Morris’s domestic and international vision and achievements in developing and commercializing innovative and scientifically-proven non-combustible products for adult smokers with the goal of ceasing the sale of regular cigarettes entirely, so that more people are encouraged to use better alternatives and eventually quit smoking altogether.

A representative giving a presentation about a study about heated tobacco products in Korea.

An anti-smoking campaign with people of various ages standing out in the rain.


tel. 02-6020-0500 | fax. 02-720-7079 |
4th Fl, Post Tower, Mapo-daero 89, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04156, Korea
Company Registration Number 106-86-49566

Previously Hahm Shout Doodle

ⓒ 2023 hahmpartners